Bulk Farm Molasses

FarmMolasses from Landowner Products offers a simple, cost-effective way of purchasing Molasses in bulk for use on farm in livestock diets. There are a range of products available, providing either sugar, protein or sugar and protein combined. These products have differing levels of dry matter to accommodate those looking for more concentrated molasses liquids as well as those looking for products to simply increase palatability and condition the ration.

The numbers after the name of each product refer to the fresh weight analysis of it as follows: Dry Matter: Sugar: Protein

The bar charts on the product images shows the amount of Dry Matter (Grey), Sugar (Green) and Protein (Protein) as a percentage of the maximum achievable in farm molasses. These levels are linked so for example to achieve maximum dry matter of 75% the product would have to have 45% Sugars and only 5% protein.

10 items

Farm Molasses

Bulk Product

Farm Molasses with Protein - Bulk

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Sweet 69:40:5*

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Sweet 50:30:3

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Pro 50:25:30

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Sweet 60:40:4

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Pro 50:10:30

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Pro 50:15:20*

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Pro-S 60:30:35

Bulk Product

FarmMolasses Pro-S 65:35:20

Bulk Product

10 Items

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