QLF Dry Cow Optimiser 25 - IBC

QLF Dry Cow Optimiser 25 is a unique high quality mineralised liquid supplement designed specifically for dry cows.

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Description / QLF Dry Cow Optimiser 25 - IBC

The QLF Dry Cow Optimiser range has been used extensively by QLF in the USA. In collaboration with several UK mineral specialists, QLF have now formulated QLF Optimiser 25 to provide the correct balance of vitamins and minerals required for UK forages. It offers a complete dry cow product for high yielding dairy cows providing 25% protein as fed and combining very palatable 6 carbon sugars from molasses to help promote dry matter intakes as well as glycerine for energy and a full mineral pack containing chelated (protected) Zinc and Copper.

The vitamin and mineral pack includes chelated (protected) Zinc and Copper and high levels of Vitamin E and organic Selenium for the cow’s immunity at calving. Magnesium is included to reduce the risk of Milk Fever by helping the ability of the cow to regulate Calcium blood concentrations.

QLF Dry Cow products may be effective by:

  • Increasing ration palatability and intake, thus the cow actually eats the required kilograms of straw.
  • Improving fibre digestibility, making better use of the straw which the cow has eaten.
  • Reducing ration separation and ration sorting.
  • Distributing nutrients and additives (minerals) uniformly.

Delivery & Returns

Please provide 3-5 working days as all product is manufactured to order. It will then be dispatched using your chosen shipping method. Our transport team will call you to inform you of when delivery will be made, so please ensure that you can be reached on the contact number(s) provided. Please note IBC containers carry over 1T in weight so please ensure the facility is in place to unload the product upon delivery.

Please note, we are currently unable to ship to Northern Ireland.

Technical Information


QLF Dry Cow Optimiser 25 typical analysis:

As FedDry Matter
Protein %Sugar %Mag %Phos %DMProtein %Sugar %Vit & MinLitres/TE
Dry Cow Optimiser 25251820.5634029DC Opt757
For the mineral analysis, please see the QLF Mineral and Vitamin Specification here.Find out more about QLF’s ‘Timed Release’ protein here 


QLF Dry Cow Optimiser 25 is formulated for feeding ad lib in an approved QLF lick feeder. It may also be fed in a TMR/home mix, as a top dress, or poured onto forages and feeds.

Feed 1kg to 2 kg of Dry Cow Optimizer 25 depending on forage and days from calving.

Typical diet 8 to 3 weeks pre- calvingRestricted grass silage or grazing4 to 5 kg of straw1kg of QLF Dry Cow Optimizer 25Fresh clean water

Typical diet from 3 weeks pre calving22 – 27 kg of grass / maize silage3 – 5 kg of chopped straw1.5 – 2 kg of QLF Dry Cow Optimizer 25Fresh clean water

This Product contains High Copper and Glycerine – DO NOT FEED TO SHEEP, NON-RUMINANTS or to energy-starved animals. Always ensure plenty of fresh, clean water and unlimited access to forage.

