QLF Springmag - 1000L IBC

QLF Springmag is designed to supplement cattle when deemed at risk of Grass Staggers.

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Description / QLF Springmag - 1000L IBC

QLF’s magnesium liquids use Magnesium Chloride which is the most bio available form of magnesium for the animal.  QLF Springmag has the highest sugar level of QLF’s magnesium products and hence offers the highest energy. Suitable for dairy and beef and sucklers, this product is a great way of supplementing magnesium where additional protein is not required. The product can be poured on, fed through a TMR or through QLF’s free access lick-feeders.

By combining Magnesium Chloride with sugar from molasses, Springmag brings with it the following advantages:

  • The sugars disguise the unpalatable taste of magnesium when supplementation is difficult, hence helping to maximise magnesium intake.
  • Grass staggers is known to be associated with energy deficiency. The sugar in Springmag provides extra energy to the animal.
  • Sugars increase the absorption of magnesium across the gut wall.

Delivery & Returns

Please provide 3-5 working days as all product is manufactured to order. It will then be dispatched using your chosen shipping method. Our transport team will call you to inform you of when delivery will be made, so please ensure that you can be reached on the contact number(s) provided. Please note IBC containers carry over 1T in weight so please ensure the facility is in place to unload the product upon delivery.

Please note, we are currently unable to ship to Northern Ireland.

Technical Information


QLF Springmag typical analysis:

As FedDry Matter
Protein %Sugar %Mag %DMProtein %Sugar %Vit & MinEst MELitres/TE
QLF Springmag7352611257Cattle11.7746
For the mineral analysis, please see the QLF Mineral and Vitamin Specification here.


QLF Springmag offers an optimal level of magnesium for ruminants on spring/autumn grass, where staggers has been a concern, and for dry cows/heifers prior to calving. Enhanced sugars in this product also contribute to magnesium utilisation. As Magnesium is not stored in the body, nutrient requirements must be met in an immediate way.Intakes should average 1-2 litres per head/day.  This product may be fed ad-lib in an approved QLF lick feeder, in a TMR/home mix, as a top dress, or poured onto forages and feeds.QLF Springmag has also been shown to be very effective in dry cow programmes, reducing incidence of milk fever, improving calving ease and improving persistency of production.QLF Springmag typical feed rates:
Typical Feed Rates (Kg/head/day)Suitable Feeding Methods
DairyBeefSheepYoungstockLick-tankAd-lib (licktank)Pour On
  • The product should be introduced gradually to acclimatise the rumen, typically in the first 1-3 days, 30% of target feed rate should be included. This should then increase to 60% (target feed rate) for days 4-6, 90% for days 7-9 and 100% after 10 days.

Please note these rates are for indication only and actual feed rates must be approved by your QLF representative or qualified feed advisor.

This Product contains High Copper – DO NOT FEED TO SHEEP, NON-RUMINANTS or to energy-starved animals. The product is formulated for adlib feeding through approved lick-feeders. Always ensure plenty of fresh, clean water, unlimited access to forage, and a source of quality major minerals.

